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Back pain is emerging as a common health concern. As per research, about 28% of adults in the USA have reported chronic back pain. Traditional treatments like physical therapy and over-the-counter medications could offer short-term relief. However, exploring other options may be beneficial in persistent pain.
One such option is radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for back pain. Today, we will discuss its effectiveness in back pain and how to use this technology. technology. Let us begin by understanding what RFA is and who is eligible for it.
RFA is a minimally invasive procedure that uses radiofrequency energy heat to treat pain by targeting a small area of the nerve causing it.
Before radiofrequency ablation can be used, diagnostic nerve blocks (that innervate and give sensation to the facet joints) help identify the source of the pain. As a general rule, if the pain is exacerbated when bending back, it is more likely a facet joint (connecting vertebral region) pain. Diagnostic nerve blocks are done by using X-rays to identify them and using local anesthetics to numb the nerve. Once we have identified the level and source of the pain, radiofrequency ablation can be used to ablate the nerve that we have identified using diagnostic nerve blocks.
RFA is not a miracle treatment, but it is quite beneficial to patients who have chronic back pain due to arthrosis or arthropathy of the facet joints in the back.
RFA can be applied to lower back, neck area and the knees. It can reduce pain for a prolonged time due to spinal issues, including Spondylosis and facet arthropathy.
It can be used to ablate the nerves that affect the sacroiliac joint.
It can also be used to ablate the nerves that go to the knee joint which are causing chronic knee pain such as osteoarthritis.
There is an initial discomfort for approximately 3 to 5 days which subsides by itself without any treatment. You will then experience pain relief which generally lasts anywhere between 3 months to 18 months depending on the severity of the condition.
Radiofrequency ablation procedure provides significant pain relief, a quick recovery time, and long-lasting effects.
Radiofrequency nerve ablation is a valuable treatment option for back pain patients. It is an effective medical procedure that offers targeted pain relief by disrupting nerve function. However, one must consult an experienced medical professional to avoid complications. At Maasumi Headache & Spine Care, we offer the diagnostic nerve blocks followed by RFA. Dr Maasumi is triple board-certified in neurology, interventional pain medicine and headache medicine. He brings the expertise and experience needed to help you manage chronic back pain.
Gain freedom from persistent back pain with expert treatment and care at Maasumi Headache & Spine Care. We specialize in treating pain conditions like headaches, spine injuries, trauma, and chronic back and neck pain. We aim to provide unwavering service to ensure care and compassion throughout your treatment process. Contact us today to lead a pain-free, comfortable life.
What is the success rate of nerve ablation for back pain?
The success rate of nerve ablation is found to be 70 to 80%. However, it may vary depending on the condition.
How long does a radiofrequency ablation last for back pain?
Depending on the condition, the effect of radiofrequency ablation can last between a few months to over a year.
Who should not have radiofrequency ablation?
You should not have radiofrequency ablation if you are suffering from infections, allergies, or any underlying condition (bleeding problems) that may cause complications.
Is radiofrequency ablation considered surgery?
Radiofrequency ablation is not considered a surgery. It is a minimally invasive medical procedure to relieve neck pain, back pain, and knee pain.